Scope of rights granted

I. general provisions

These terms and conditions set out the scope of the rights granted by the Seller to the Customer under the Subscription.

All definitions used in these terms and conditions shall have the meaning given to them in the current terms and conditions of the website.

II. economic copyright and industrial property rights

The Seller is the owner of the economic copyright of the 3D models, which is not transferred to the Customer. The Seller does not own any intellectual property that is not 3D models.

The Customer is solely responsible for how he/she uses the 3D models, including the consent of third parties for the use of copyright property or industrial property rights, if he uses them.

III. conditions of use

Any items downloaded as part of the Subscription are the exclusive property of the Seller and may be used for private or commercial purposes of the Customers, based on the licence remaining in force during the Subscription period.

The Customer is only entitled to use the 3D models during the Subscription period, subject to the following restrictions:

3D models may not be sold, distributed, redistributed in original or other format, transferred;

modification of 3D models is allowed, but they may not be sold or distributed on any legal basis.

Fields of use:

use, display, transfer and storage of 3D models and individual parts regardless of format and systems;

create visualisations in your own commercial or private projects.

IV. Seller's performance

During the Subscription period, the Seller will make 3D models or 3D model sets available to the Customer in accordance with the Package selected by the Customer.

All 3D models will be provided electronically for download.